
Proprietor of webpage:
Karl Schumacher
Initiator and founder of the association
A Day of Friendliness

Vestische Str. 146 · D - 46117 Oberhausen
Phone: +49 (0)178-266 7901 · Fax: +49 (0)208-6904825





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With this webpage Karl Schumacher wants to comprehensively inform all interested parties.  We are pleased you are visiting and using this webpage. You are welcome to send us suggestions and questions.

This online content has been carefully compiled and maintained. However, Karl Schumacher cannot assume any guarantee for the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the details and therefore excludes any liability for losses or damage of any kind which result directly or indirectly from the use of the online offer on this webpage. Likewise, Karl Schumacher assumes no liability for webpage offers made by other operators to whom visitors to this webpage have gained access via links. Only the providers of these external contents are exclusively in charge of and responsible for these.

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Karl Schumacher attaches great importance to the protection of personal data. The observance of and compliance with the statutory provisions about data protection and data security are a matter of course. Personal data are not collected, saved or used.

Responsible for contents in accordance with §10 Sect. 3 MDStV: Karl Schumacher.

Was hälst Du von der Idee “Welttag der Freundlichkeit”?

Hast Du eigene Ideen oder Vorschläge den “Welttag der Freundlichkeit” bekannter zu machen? Dann freuen wir uns auf Deine Anregungen.

>> Hier geht´s zum Ideen-Blog